How to render infinite voxels in real-time? A good aproach is to actually not create any cubes at all, but stop the renderer at the right time.

Because we are rendering using a raymarcher, we can traverse the scene normally and only stop the renderer when it is close enough to the surface. Then, we only simulate a chunk of voxels near the ray.

Steps of the renderer

First, define a VOXEL_SIZE and a safe distance. The safe distance will be the length of the cube. Then, traverse the scene with the ray marching until you hit the safe distance to the surface.

Then, get a chunk of voxels and calculate which ones colides with the surface (their distance function is less than 0).

Finally, use the generated voxels to calculate your new distance function. Repeat until you hit a surface.

This is the entire code to do that:

vec3 getClosestVoxel(vec3 p) {
  return round(p / VOXEL_SIZE) * VOXEL_SIZE;

RayHit getScene(vec3 p) {
  vec3 pCenter = Translate(p, getClosestVoxel(vec3(0.0, 0.3, 0.0)));
  vec3 pBall = Translate(pCenter, (vec3(
    sin(uTime / 10.0) * 10.0,

  RayHit FloorObject = FloorSurface(p);

  RayHit BallObject = BallSurface(pBall, 3.1);
  RayHit SceneObject = SmoothMin(
    BallSurface(pCenter, 3.1),
  return SceneObject;

float getSafeDist() {
  float safeDist = length(vec3(VOXEL_SIZE));
  return safeDist;

float getQuadDist(vec3 p, vec3 quadCenter) {
  vec3 chunkP = quadCenter - p;
  if(getScene(quadCenter).dist > SURFACE_DIST) {
    return VOXEL_SIZE;
  } else {
    return sdCuboid(chunkP, vec3(VOXEL_SIZE));

float getChunkDist(vec3 p, vec3 chunkCenter) {
  float minDist = VOXEL_SIZE;
  for(int x = -1; x <= 1; x += 1) {
    for(int y = -1; y <= 1; y += 1) {
      for(int z = -1; z <= 1; z += 1) {
        vec3 quadCenter = chunkCenter + vec3(float(x) * VOXEL_SIZE, float(y) * VOXEL_SIZE, float(z) * VOXEL_SIZE);
        minDist = min(minDist, getQuadDist(p, quadCenter));
  return minDist;

RayHit getSceneHit(vec3 p) {
  RayHit Hit = getScene(p);
  // return Hit;
  RayHit SceneHit = Hit;
  float safeDist = getSafeDist();
  if(SceneHit.dist <= safeDist) {
    vec3 center = getClosestVoxel(p);
    SceneHit.dist = getChunkDist(p, center);
  } else {
    SceneHit.dist = max((SceneHit.dist - safeDist), SURFACE_DIST);
  return SceneHit;
  return Union(SceneHit, Hit);